Special Notices & Orders

Press Release  - 3/13/2020
Debra DeBerry, Clerk of Superior Court
DeKalb Order Declaring Judicial Emergency

Decatur, GA – DeKalb County Superior Court Chief Judge Asha F. Jackson has issued an order to declare, “the existence of a Judicial Emergency in the Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit. The nature of this emergency is the continued transmission of Coronavirus/COVID-19 throughout DeKalb County and the potential infection of those who are required to appear in our courts and interact with large groups due to jury service, including grand jury service, or other large, non-essential calendars.” The order shall be held for thirty (30) days from the date of the order and is included in this press release.
At this time, DeKalb County Clerk of Superior Court will continue to operate Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM. If there is a need to visit the Clerk’s Office, be assured cleaning and sanitation procedures have significantly increased. Also, staff has been instructed to stay home if they are not feeling well or if they are exhibiting any illness symptoms. In turn, visitors to the Clerk’s Office are being asked to do the same. Also, please visit the Clerk’s website at www.dksuperiorclerk.com for any services that may be processed online.
There will be continued monitoring of the health concerns and citizens will be updated as information becomes available.

UPDATED NEWS: Due to COVID-19 Restrictions, the DeKalb County Sheriff's Office has suspended process serving at this time with the exception of Temporary Protective Orders.